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Smart Contract Audits
Protecting your AssetsCommunityInvestors

Protecting over +1M users and 100+ blockchain projects!

shape   Working on top Blockchains:

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Most complete audit on the market.

Safety is paramount in Blockchain, at Metlabs we want your project to go ahead and contribute to mass adoption

+5 Years of Experience

Most innovative methods in penetration testing

Clear and Concise Reports

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Our Methodology

Latest testing security technology

Automatic analysis

Through our automatic tools we will be able to detect in moments if your smart contract has vulnerabilities

Manual review by experts

After the automatic review, our team of experts will review your code line by line, looking for errors or vulnerabilities

Completely Audit Report

The final smart contract audit report will be reported as well as its publication in Metlabs media


Expert consultancies

Our team of experts will consult about improvements or optimizations for your smart contract.

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We keep your funds safe!

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Thanks to our analyzes and certifications, we contribute to protecting the funds of hundreds of Blockchain projects


Security is essential for Blockchain
Metlabs Founder

Lana Del Rey, Hub CEO

“Les services de paiement sont disponibles via des applications mobilese bureau. “

Lana Del Rey, Hub CEO

Lana Del Rey, Hub CEO

“Les services de paiement sont disponibles via des applications mobilese bureau. “

Lana Del Rey, Hub CEO

Lana Del Rey, Hub CEO

“Les services de paiement sont disponibles via des applications mobilese bureau. “

Lana Del Rey, Hub CEO

The results back us!

We receive positive feedback from the projects we have worked on. Experience and quality is what we offer at Metlabs

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290 Maryam Springs 260, Courbevoie, Paris, France

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